Flip the System

We can flip the system to create healthier families in the United States, all it takes is LOVE. In the US we choose to spend our money reacting to problems rather than preventing them. This country spends 585 billion dollars annually in the cleaning up the ripple effects of child abuse. Instead of reacting to child abuse, we plan to get to the root and prevent it from happening or continuing.
Our solution: baby swaddles.
The LOVEVOLVE Swaddle Mission begins in hospitals, with every baby wrapped in LOVE at birth. LOVEVOLVE swaddles are printed with Sunny Stack Goode’s LOVE artwork on 100% organic cotton muslin. Why the blanket? The visual connection is like a stop sign in the home, a reminder of LOVE. Each swaddle comes with swaddling instructions, which instills trust between the parent and the baby, and important access to relationship health resources from The One Love Foundation.
Child abuse crosses ALL socioeconomic and educational levels, religions, and ethnic and cultural groups.
Over 45% of children who die from child abuse are under one year.
Two-thirds of the people in treatment for drug abuse report being abused or neglected as children.
Children who experience child abuse and neglect are approximately nine times more likely to become involved in criminal activity.
By focusing on new families and their relationship health, we are starting to flip the system. This means we will become a proactive society, putting time, money, and energy into early childhood care which will eventually lead to healthier families.
Investing in a healthy future for all.
We are seeking sponsors, either per state or nationally, to join us in flipping the system, to act rather than react, and invest in our future rather than trying to fix it once the damage is done.
Click here to contact us to become part of this LOVE Movement.